Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My PreLim? hmmn. ..

It's kind a hard. but there some subject that I can catch-up. i had hard time dealing with My MATH and THEO subject. beacouse ill get bore real quikly. But I can hang into. hehehe. I was really tens in the Prelim Exam. I'm afraid that i'll get low scores. speshally beacouse this is my 1st Exam in College life. Beacouse i have my promise to my dad that this money that he paid for my studies will never be waiste. But i was wrong My scores are high. And I'm really proude to my 97 grade in ComputerApplication. Actually this is the 1st time that i get 90 and above grade in my whole life. hehehe. And I was really really really happy with the result. "kung ano ang iyong itinanim at siya rin ang iyong aanihin". hehehe. that all thankz for reading my blog. this is Gian Carlo Castro. signing OUT.-->>

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